Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Grumble, Grump, Groan, Mumble. ( a G and M kinda day)

I've been having a pretty rough week. With hormones that is. I'll be seeing a doctor soon I hope. I got another migraine yesterday. My period was 5 days late. I took a pregnancy test- negative. I hate getting excited and then being dissapointed right after. I guess I'll never have a baby ever. I am hormonely sad today and crampy and grumpy. not a good combination. I also have work and still need to pack for camp.
my plant are in dire need of attention.
My living room is still plain and ugly.

Yes, I finally received word I'll be working in the kitchen. My husband told me he'd go with me so now I'll have some support there. I'm excited for something new, but not looking foward to it. I was told some of the ladies wouldn't be there so we're short already, and I am tired and hormonely imbalanced.

I have been having a stressful last 2 weeks at work so maybe thats the cause of all this. But I'm seeing the light at the end of the tunnel! It seems all my hard work is paying off finally! The servers are finally doing their cleaning like they're supposed to, the new ones can finally take a section by themselves, We have plans to maybe hire some more, as we weed out the slackers. So far we're getting a good team. The problems of bringing in a ton of new people  all at once is no one knows how to work together and they have to work hard to get to know each other and have to learn the residents, and their job all at once. They also have problems learning the routine cause every where they turn, there's another new person doing it wrong. So after finally writing out all that is to be done and the correct way to do it, they are finally getting it. I'm not there 24/7 to supervise and answer questions. I'm glad I finally found a way to help them out when I'm not there.

I am thinking this is why I've been so exhausted lately. Every time I go to work, I feel like the guest services information desk and am bombarded with questions and stopped while taking orders to answer questions, and then have to think hard to remember the order I just took and what was I getting for the resident again? and what was that request from that table that I didn't write down? and then I turn around to get it and I am questioned again. It's been an endless cycle. I'm actually kinda looking foward to a weekened off. like in 2 1/2 weeks because camp will be so much like work! I've been to this camp many times to cook I used to sign up for it all the time so it seems every year people ask me how we've done this or that in the past and how much did you use??? I'll be forced to think again and my brain just needs a rest.

I'm just so glad my migraine went away during the night! I stopped at Fry's on the way home last night cause my husband forgot to get milk so I decided to buy some fruit also and ended up spending $22.94 The whole time I was checking out, the cashier was asking me all these questions about a company we were looking into joining a couple years ago only for her to say that this other company she was looking into also joining sounds like the same type of company and she's going to join neither and My head was pounding and I was trying not to throw up on her and ..... I got home, took tylonol, and went to bed.

My husband then asks me what did you spend $22.94 on? He looked up the bank account online. Thats when I realized huh? I thought about it and realized that in all her questioning, she forgot to do her job and ask me for my card. All the things I bought were on sale. It shouldn't have come anywhere near $20. For example, I paid $1.29 lb for navel oranges instead of the 3lbs for $0.99 sale price. and I paid per $1.29 lb for the mangos instead of 2 for a $1.  NOT SMART TO SHOP WITH A HEADACHE RIGHT? but I did my part correct- right? I just forgot about my card. ARGH!

heres my expensive $20 fruit- the bottom basket only. The lemons are from my tree (evidence- no stickers-).
Cruiser right now needs a tummy scratch.

this picture's from a few days ago. He's asking me if we're going inside, or if I'm just tricking him. I love it how he always has to be sure. He's so happy looking in this picture and I think I finally captured his asking eyes. The dog has many different looks. I just don't know if I'll ever be ably to capture them all- like his famous face when he tells us to go to bed with his lip caught on his teeth, or when he's hungry. but he's so expressive with his noises too. he "talks" to us with various grumbles and growls and whiny noises and yips and squeaks and a thousand different types of barks ALL IN THE SAME SENTENCE! Either he's smart, or brilliant. you can choose but I think this dog was born with a brain that works (unlike some other dogs I've seen).

It's spring so at camp if I get some time off, I'm going to go for a hike to take pictures of wildflowers.
Have a great day!

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